it's been a week since the terror attacks have shocked the city...the mumbaikar resumes his daily routine and continues to walk the same streets soaked in the blood of his brothers...he has no other alternative, he says....the families of the martyrs are still mourning...wondering whether their sacrifice will ever be honestly and equally rewarded...the families of the deceased are in grief, the loss is irreplacable...the govt's compensation cannot return their beloved they think....the politicians are happy, now is the chance to get power and show him the door they say...the PM condemns the act and promises action....some of the mumbaikars hold candles and march to the gateway expressing solidarity to the dead and anger towards the system...all very well said....but not at all done....
the anger continues to stem and the fear of uncertainity continues to haunt...the newspapaer raises some basic questions which are discussed and debated upon in trains,busstands, canteens...just about everywhere....everyone has an opinion and everyone knows a solution...we all know who has brought us to this state..we all know that we are being puppetted by a bunch of fools...we all know that terrorism has no identity...we all know that we need powerful machinery and strong governance...we all know that none of our representatives at the parliament truly represent us....we all know that democracy in our country is a big joke....we all know this...and what we do is keep this knowledge in our pockets...
when we say,"rise mumbai..let's do something"....what are we thinking...when we hold candles and protest what are we actually expecting...have our voices ever been taken into consideration? have we ever been loud enough?...if we don't vote for this party and get some other party to power, is it going to solve our problems?,,,aren't we being forced to choose between many wrong options..? when we say let's do something....what are we wanting to do?....
i say lets' all float our own political party..all of us who are angry...all of us who love our city,our nation...all of us who are educated and are aware..all of us who have been doing something for the society at the back end...all of us who want to change and more than that who know what to change....all of us who care not for power,money but for the individual within us and for the individual who makes this society...when i say let's rise...i mean truly rise and take the reigns in our own hands...
we need to fight and fight hard...against terrorism later...but first against the inertia of our mind and then that of our society...are we ready to do that?